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Observations In My First Year

Mar 13, 2012
‎ |‎ Axxys Technologies

This is my very first attempt at writing a blog, and I’ve been struggling to come up with something that readers might find interesting. After a few days of thinking, I thought maybe I could write something controversial, or maybe throw out some sort of Hot Sports Opinion, but that’s not the purpose here. So I’m just going to write something about an observation that I have made over the past year since beginning my tenure here at Axxys.

One of my responsibilities here at Axxys is to help grow the business by finding new accounts, which involves a bit of cold calling. I must admit to myself, and all of you, that I’m not the best at it, but I do it out of understanding the necessity of it. I spent 6 months making dial after dial, leaving repeated voicemails, sending follow up emails, and even mailing “Thank You” cards to every person that took the time to speak to me. Time and time again I was told, “We’re not interested,” or “We’re already under a service contract with someone,” and “We manage all our IT support internally.”

Here’s where it gets interesting (for me). I’m starting to notice that many of the companies I tried to reach out to might not have been interested in further discussing our services at that time, but they’ve since made several visits to our web site, called in for support even though they stated that they already have someone managing their network, or are now considering moving some of their support needs over to Axxys while they continue to manage their proprietary equipment or technology. Sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands to ensure that your business is supported appropriately or a specialized set of hands for high-level projects. I would like to think that I planted the seed with them many months ago, and they realize that it just makes good business sense to be open minded to other options.

One reason I think companies are reluctant in considering working with a Managed Service Provider is that they feel loyalty to their current IT person, whether he/she is internal or outsourced. I think that’s very commendable, and I can honestly say that I would feel the same way as a business owner. But it’s important to note that Axxys is not solely in the business of replacing your internal IT people. Is it a natural part of doing business? Honestly…Yes. Is that always our intent when working with companies? NO! We know it makes good business sense to keep your internal people in some cases, but make sure they’re not overextended in bandwidth, and keep them focused on the things they are really good at. Let Axxys take over some of the other IT support related issues. It’s less expensive to outsource these responsibilities to an MSP (with a staff of experienced and certified technicians) than it is to hire another employee (+benefits +vacation +training and could leave at any time). We don’t all take vacation at the same time either, so your business is never without a support team.

So let us do what we do best…help your company focus on what it does best.

Just outsource it.

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