by Nathan Adair, Senior Account Executive, Axxys Technologies
Three weeks working strictly on a tablet, no desktop or laptop, just the HP ElitePad…seriously!
First, let me say that I don’t own an iPad and I never have. I’m not against them, I just don’t really want one. I have never been an early adopter of technology either. I was the last in the office to give up the Blackberry and I missed that keyboard for a while. But I will say that I am all about productivity and doing more with less.
Back in the day, my laptop bag used to be about 5 inches thick to carry my Franklin Planner and legal portfolio pad, as well as the giant laptop that I seldom cracked open except at the office and home. Then it went smaller to hold only a laptop, and today it’s even smaller. I’ve even been told by a new client very recently that my new bag is “girly”.
Why is this?
Because I am sporting the new HP ElitePad (iPad lovers beware) as my work computer and let me say that I have never been happier or more productive. In fact, I get an extra hour of productivity a day out of this because I bring it and use it everywhere.
I hated cracking open a laptop anywhere unless I was going to be stationed in one place for at least an hour. Lugging it around, powering up, powering down, looking for an outlet I could reach when it needed to charge…ugh! With the ElitePad, I take it to the carwash, Burger King and Starbucks of course. Whether I’m connected via Wi-Fi or 3G, or not connected at all, I get things done quicker, I am happy and productive in or out of the office, and I look tech-stylish. In fact, to date I would consider it to be the single most productive tool I have had since I was handed a Blackberry all those years ago just so I could have email in the palm of my hand. Now I have email, Microsoft Office Pro, our business applications, mobile apps, and anything else I want for that matter.
The best part is that it is easy, intuitive, customizable and business grade (not a toy). In the office I dock it like a laptop, only cooler, and it takes up less real estate on my desk. I have the coolest of accessories including a battery jacket that lasts upwards of 20 hours (I have never run it dead). Anyway, my point is this…try one of these out and it is likely that you will never want to open a laptop again. This may be the end of the laptop as we know it. And for once, I could not be happier to be an early adopter.
I think my blood pressure is down too!